Now that you are engaged, it is time to plan for your wedding day.
This can be a tough process especially when we consider most couples will be married for the first time.
To make your wedding as memorable as possible, there is one big word that you need to remember – planning.
With the right planning, you can astronomically improve the outcome of your wedding day. For this reason, I would like to share with you a checklist that you can use in preparing and planning for your wedding.
This would surely be helpful and thus, take some time in reading this post.
#1: Obtain a wedding planner notebook
This is where it will all start. To make the planning process easier, you need to be organized and having a notebook solely dedicated to planning will do a great wonder. Use this notebook to write all the information pertaining to planning. These include brochures, clippings, contact numbers, guests, financial report, and more.
#2: Set your budget
There is no doubt that you will spend money when it comes to your wedding. Be it simple or luxurious, money can easily become a big matter during the planning phase. It is better to set your budget right in the beginning of your planning to prevent getting broke after your wedding day.
#3: Set your date
Choose a day for your wedding in such a way that you have ample time to prepare. As exciting as weddings may be, it is wiser to choose a date more than six months before the wedding.
#4: Make a guest list
As soon as you are engaged, people will start asking whom you will invite. Remember to include the most essential people first such as your family members and relatives. Your budget will also determine how many people you would invite. Finally, make sure you send your invitation ahead of time for them to save the date.
#5: Hire a wedding planner (optional)
If you want to tremendously decrease the stress related to planning, it is better to hire a wedding planner. If your budget permits it, a wedding planner has the skills, experience, and knowledge to cover all aspects of your wedding day.
#6: Select a venue
There are a lot of factors to consider when selecting a venue. Make sure you explore all options before booking a wedding place. Some couples have separate place for the ceremony and reception. If you’re one of them, factor in the travel time between the two places.
#7: Book your officiant
Choose the right officiant for your wedding. A personal friend or your church pastor is a good choice. Read reviews as well to determine whether an officiant is right for you or not.
#8: Research wedding vendors
You need to make sure you have contact numbers of the different wedding vendors. These include photographers, videographers, bands, decorators, florists, caterers, and many others. Consider getting a photo booth for your wedding reception as well. Photo booths are great when it comes to adding fun and enjoyment to your event.
#9: Determine wedding dress and outfit
Both the bride and groom needs to choose the right outfit. The bride needs extra time for this. They need to find the right wedding dress that will fit her need, preference, and budget. You also need to choose the right outfit for your entourage, including the groomsmen and bridesmaid.
#10: Know your motif
The motif is a personal choice and it reflects the personality of the couple. In most cases, the motif will determine the type of decorations, color of the entourage’s outfit, design of invitation cards, and the overall look of the wedding venue.
#11: Prepare the invitation card
Be creative when it comes to your invitation. Most people keep it as a souvenir of your special day. You can hire professional graphic designers or you can simply do it yourself.
#12: Plan your honeymoon
It is important to include your honeymoon to your planning. Depending upon where you want to spend your honeymoon, you need to accomplish all the necessary documents such as passports or medical certificates. You also need to include this in your budget.
#13: Get down to the smaller details
After planning for the big things, you need to make sure you also covered the smaller details. Sometimes, it is the small things that determine the success or failure of your planning.
These are the things you need to remember when you are planning for your wedding day. Planning can be stressful if you let it. So just relax and enjoy the process. Just remember that it is your marriage that’s more important rather than the ceremony itself.
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